Journal of the American Geriatrics Society (in press) Kervin, L., Chamberlain, S., Wister, A., Cosco, T.D. Impact Factor: 5.6
Clinical Gerontologist (in press) Wister, A., Li, L., Best, J., Cosco, T.D., Kim, B.
Physiotherapy Canada (in press) Peters, S., Cosco, T.D., Mackey, D., Sarohia, G., Leong, J., Wister, A.
Journal of Population Ageing (accepted) Cosco, T.D., Randa, C., Hopper, S., Wagner, K., Pickering, J., Best, J.
Journal of Applied Gerontology (2022) Teo, K., Churchill, R., Riadi, I., Kervin, L., Wister, A. Cosco, T.D. 41(5) , 1500-1510.
American journal of epidemiology (2022) Basta, N. E., Sohel, N., Sulis, G., Wolfson, C., Maimon, G., Griffith, L. E., Kirkland, S., McMillan, J. M., Thompson, M., Raina, P., & for the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA) Research Team 191(6) , 987–998.
The Lancet Healthy Longevity (in press) .Riadi, I., Kervin, L., Dhillon, S., Teo, K., Churchill, R., Card, K. G., Sixsmith, A., Moreno, S., Fortuna, K. L., Torous, J., Cosco, T. D.
CMAJ Open (in press) De Rubeis, V., Anderson, L., Khattar, J., de Groh,M., Jiang, Y., Erbas Oz, U., Basta, N.E., Kirkland, S., Wolfson, C., Griffith, L.E., Raina, P., on behalf of The CLSA Team
Psychiatric Services (in press) . Fortuna, KL, Kadakia, A, Cosco, T.D., Rotondi, A, Nicolson, J, Walker, R, Hamilton, J, Brewer, L, Collins-Pisano, C, Barr, P, Hudson, M, Joseph, J, Mullaly, C, Booth, M, & Lebby, S.
JAMA Network Open (2022) Beauchamp, M. K., Joshi, D., McMillan, J., Erbas Oz, U., Griffith, L. E., Basta, N. E., Kirkland, S., Wolfson, C., Raina, P., and The CLSA Team 5(1) , e2146168-e2146168.
Frontiers in Psychology (in press) Best, J.R., Gan, D.R.Y., Wister, A., Cosco, T.D.
Nature Aging Raina, P., Wolfson, C., Griffith, L., Kirkland, S., McMillan, J., Basta, N., and The CLSA Team (in press) doi:10.1038/s43587-021-00128-1
BMJ Open (in press) Kervin, L., Teo, K., Churchill, R., Riadi, I., & Cosco, T.D.
JMIR Aging (2021) Haase, K., Cosco, T.D., Kervin, L., Riadi, I., O'Connell. M. 4(2) :e28010.
Frontiers in Psychology (in press) Cheng, X., Cosco, T.D., Ariyo, T.
Gerontechnology Wister, A., O’Dea, E., Fyffe, I., Cosco, T.D. (2021) 20(2) , 1-16.
Journal of Medical Internet Research (in press) Cosco, T.D., Fortuna, K., Wister, A., Riadi, I., Wagner, K., Sixsmith, A. Impact Factor: 7.1
Age & Ageing (in press) Cosco, T.D., Best, J., Davis, D., Bryden, D., Arkill, S., van Oppen, J., Riadi, I., Conroy, S. Impact Factor: 12.8
Systematic Reviews (in press) Churchill, R., Riadi, I., Kervin, L., Teo, K., & Cosco, T.D
Applied Research in Quality of Life (2021) Cheng, X., Li, X., Liu, H., Cosco, T.D., Duan, W. 16(2) , 875-890.
Clinical Gerontologist (2021) O'Connell. M. Haase, K., Grewal, K.S., Panyavin, I., Kortzman, A., Flath, M.E., Cammer, A., Cosco, T.D., Peacock, S. Jul 8:1-13. doi: 10.1080/07317115.2021.1943589.
Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine. (2021) Jenkins, H-T., Cosco, T.D. 9(1) : 315-321.
BMC Psychiatry. (2021) Blodgett, J.M., Lachance, C.C., Stubbs, B., Co, M., Wu, Y., Prina, A.M., Tsang, V.W.L., Cosco, T.D. 21(1) : 197.
European Journal of Public Health. (2021) Caleyachetty, R., Stafford, M., Cooper, R., Anderson, E.L., Howe, L.D., Cosco, T.D., Kuh, D., Hardy, R. doi: 10.1093/eurpub/ckaa237.
BMJ Open. (2021) Teo, K., Riadi, I., Kervin, L., Churchill, R., Cosco, T.D. 11: e043554
International Psychogeriatrics. (2020) Wister, A., Cosco, T.D., Mitchell, B., Fyffe, I.32(1) : 119-133
Frontiers in Psychology. (in press) Best, J., Dao, E., Churchill, R., Cosco, T.D.
Translational Psychiatry. (2020) Carvalho, A., Solmi, M., Sanches, M., Machado, M., Stubbs, B., Ajnakina, O., Sherman, C., Sun, Y., Liu, C., Brunoni, A., Pigato, A., Fernandes, B., Husain, M., Dragioti, E., Firth, J., Cosco, T.D., Maes, M., Berk, M., Lanctot, K., Vieta, E., Pizzagalli, D., Smith, L., Fusar-Poli, P., Kurdyak, P., Fornaro, M., Rehm, J., Herrmann, N., Bortolato, B. 10(1) : 152. Impact Factor: 6.2
Research Involvement and Engagement. (2020) Wada, M., Sixsmith, J., Harwood, G., Cosco, T.D., Fang, M., Sixsmith, A6(22)
JMIR Research Protocols. (in press) Riadi, I., Kervin, L., Teo, K., Churchill, R., Cosco, T.D.
Aging & Mental Health. (2020) Cosco, T.D., Blodgett, J., Lachance, C., Wu, Y. Stubbs, B., Prina, A. 24(5) : 700-704
Journal of Public Health. (2020) Mangipudi, S., Cosco, T.D., Harper, S. 42(2) : 294-303.
Systematic Reviews. (2020) Ahmadzadeh, M., Christie, G.J., Cosco, T.D., Moreno, S. 9(71)
Health Psychology & Behavioural Medicine. (2019) Cosco, T.D., Kok, A., Wister, A., Howse, K.7(1) : 90-104
Canadian Journal on Aging. (2019) Wister, A., Cosco, T.D., Menec, V., Fyffe, I. 38(2) : 180-192
Systematic Reviews. (2019) Peters, S., Cosco, T.D., Mackey, D., Sarohia, G., Leong, J., Wister, A. 8(1) : 34.
Molecular Neurobiology. (2019) Cosco, T.D., Pillinger, T., Emam, H., Solmi, M., Budhdeo, S., Prina, A.M., Maes, M., Stein, D., Stubbs, B., Carvalho, A. 56(7) : 4751-4759.Impact Factor: 5.6
International Psychogeriatrics. (2019) Cosco, T.D., Hardy, R., Howe, L., Richards, M. 31(9) : 1249-1258
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. (2019) Kok, A. Cooper, R., Cosco, T.D., Hardy, R., Richards, M., Kuh, D., Stafford, M. 73(6) : 529-536.
Longitudinal and Life Course Studies. (2019) Kok, A. Cooper, R., Cosco, T.D., Hardy, R., Richards, M., Kuh, D., Stafford, M. 73:529-536
American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. (2019) Fortuna, K.L., Torous, J., Depp, C., Jimenez, D., Arean, P., Walker, R., Akilore, O., Goldstein, C., Cosco, T.D., Brooks, J., Vahia, I., Bartels, S. 27(11) : 1277-1285.
Journal of Medical Internet Research: Aging (2019) Cosco, T.D., Firth, J., Vahia, I., Sixsmith, A., Torous, J. 21(3) ,e10019.
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. (2018) Elhakeem, A., Hardy, R., Bann, D., Caleyachetty, R., Cosco, T.D., Hayhoe, R., Muthuri, S., Wilson, R., Cooper, R. 71(7) : 673-68.
Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. (2018) Stephan, B., Birdi, R., Tang, E., Cosco, T.D., Donini, L., Licher, S., Ikram, M., Siervo, M., Robinson, L. 66(2) : 653-680.
Epidemiology and Psychiatric Science. (2018) Cosco, T.D., Howse, K., Brayne, C. 26(6) : 579-583.
Estudios de Psicología (2018) Cosco, T. D., Wister, A., Brayne, C., & Howse, K. 39(2-3) : 248-266.
Journal of Nervous and Mental Disorders. (2018) Torous, J., Firth, J., Huckvale, K., Larsen, M., Cosco, T.D., Carney, R., Chan, S., Pratap. P., Yellowlees, P., Wykes, T., Keshaven, M., Christensen H. 206(8) :662-666.
BMC Geriatrics (2018) Wister, A., Lear, S., Schuurman, N., Mackey, D., Mitchell, B., Cosco, T.D., Fyffe, I. 18(1) :1-13.
Current Psychiatry Reports (2018) Torous, J., Larsen, M. E., Depp, C., Cosco, T. D., Barnett, I., Nock, M. K., & Firth, J. 20(7) , 51.
Current Psychiatry Reports. (2018) Firth, J., Torous, J., Carney, R., Newby, J., Cosco, T.D., Christensen H., Sarris, J. 20(44)
International Psychogeriatrics. (2018) Cosco, T.D., Cooper, R., Kuh, D., Stafford, M. 30(5) : 695-703.
BMC Geriatrics (2017) Fleming, J., Calloway, R., Perrels, A., Farquhar, M., Barclay, S., Brayne, C., Allinson, K., Buck, K., Cosco, T.D., Davies, D., Dening, T., Hokkanen, S., Hunter, S., Keage, H., Lee, C., Matthews, M., Minett, T., Mukaetova-Ladinska, E., Terrera, G., Polvikoski, T., Romero-Ortuna, R., Zhao, E. 17(1) .
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews. Veronese, N., Facchini, S., Stubbs, B., Luchini, C., Solmi, M., Manzato, E., Sergi, G., Maggi, S., Cosco, T.D., Fontana, L. (2017) 72: 87-94.Impact Factor: 8.3
Ageing Research Reviews. Soysal, P., Veronese, N., Thompson, T., Kahl, K., Fernandes, B., Prina, A.M., Solmi, M., Schofield, P., Koyanagi, A., Tseng, P., Lin, P., Chu, C., Cosco, T.D., Cesari, M., Carvalho, A., Stubbs, B. (2017) 36: 78-87.Impact Factor: 10.9
Journal of Nursing Measurement. Cosco, T.D., Prina, A.M., Stubbs, B., Wu, Y-T. (2017) 25(3) : 476-485.
Psychiatric Research. Stubbs, B., Vancampfort, D., Rosenbaum, S., Firth, J., Cosco, T.D., Veronese, V., Salum, G., Schuch, F.B. (2017) 249: 102-108.
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. Cosco, T.D., Kaushal, A., Hardy, R., Richards, M., Kuh, D., Stafford, M. (2017) 77(1) : 98-104.
Diabetic Medicine Kouidrat, Y., Pizzol, D., Cosco, T.D., Thompson, T., Avogaro, A., Solmi, M., Stubbs, B., Veronese, N. (2017) 34(9) : 1185-1192.
Canadian Journal on Aging (2017) Cosco, T.D., Muniz, G., Stephan, B.C., Brayne, C. 36(4) , 427-434
General Hospital Psychiatry. Stubbs, B., Koyanagi, A., Thompson, T., Veronese, N., Carvahlo, A.F., Solomim M., Mugisha, J., Schofield, P., Cosco, T.D., Wilson N., Vancampfort, D. (2016) 43: 63-70.
Canadian Journal on Aging. Cosco, T.D., Muniz, G., Stephan, B.C., Brayne, C. (2016) 35(4) : 533-540
Journal of Psychiatric Research. Wu, Y-T., Stubbs, B., Leng, Y., Prina, A.M., Cosco, T.D. (2016) 82: 149-154
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. Cosco, T.D., Kaushal, A., Richards, M., Kuh, D., Stafford, M. (2016) 14(16) :1-6
Ageing Research Reviews. Soysal, P., Stubbs, B., Lucato, P., Luchini, P., Solmi, M., Peluso, R., Sergi, G., Manzato, E., Maggi, S., Maggio, S., Prina, A.M., Cosco, T.D., Wu, Y., Veronese, N. (2016) 31:1-8. Impact Factor: 10.9
The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging Bousquet, J., Kuh, D., Bewick, M., Strandberg, T., Farrell, F., Pengelly, R., et al. (2015) 19(9) : 955-960.
Educational Gerontology Cosco, T.D., Brehme, D., Grigoruta, N., Kaufmann, L., Lemsalu, L., Meex, R., Schuurmanns, A., Sener, N., Stephan, B., Brayne, C. (2015) 41(11) : 800-813.
Canadian Geriatrics Journal. Cosco, T.D., Armstrong, J., Stephan, B., Brayne, C. (2015) 18(1) : 35-36
Cosco, T.D. (2015) 187(18) : 1353-1357. Impact Factor: 8.3
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association Bousquet, J., Malva, J., Nogues, M., Mañas, L.R., Vellas, B., Farrell, J., et al. (2015) 16(1) : 1020-6.Impact Factor: 7.8
Journal of Psychosomatic Research. Prina, A.M., Cosco, T.D., Beekman, A., Brayne, C., Huisman, M., Dening, T. (2015)78(1): 25-33
International Psychogeriatrics Cosco, T.D., Stephan, B., Brayne, C. (2015) 27(12) : 1971-1979.
Medical Journal of Australia. Cosco, T.D., & King, J.H. (2015) 203(11) : 458-461.
BMC Geriatrics. Martin, S., Kelly S., Khan A., Cullum,, S., Dening, T., Rait, G., Fox, C., Katona, C., Cosco, T.D., Brayne, C., Lafortune, L. (2015)15(1): 1-12
BMC Geriatrics. Perales, J., Cosco, T.D., Stephan, B., Fleming, J., Martin, S., Haro, J.M., Brayne, C. (2014)14:18.
JEPS Cosco, T.,D.., Brehme, D., Grigoruta, N., Kaufmann, L., Lemsalu, L., Meex, R., Schuurmans, A., & Sener, N (2014).5(2), 29-33
European Geriatric Medicine. Bousquet, J., Kuh, D., Bewick, M., Strandberg, T., Farrell, F., Pengelly, R., et al. (2014)5(6): 406-415.
International Psychogeriatrics. Cosco, T.D., Prina, A.M., Perales, J., Stephan, B., Brayne, C. (2013)26(3): 373-381.
Canadian Medical Association Journal 185(15) : 1347.
International Psychogeriatrics. Perales, J., Cosco, T.D., Stephan, B., Haro, J., Brayne, C. (2013)25(5): 691-706.
Journal of Psychosomatic Research. Norton, S., Cosco, T.D., Doyle, F., Done, J., Sacker, A. (2013)74(1): 74-81.
Cosco, T.D., Stephan, B., Brayne, C. (2013) 185(9) : 751-752. Impact Factor: 8.3
Public Health. Cosco, T.D., Morgan, K., Currie, L., McGee, H. (2013)127(8): 788-790.
BMJ Open. Cosco, T.D., Prina, A.M., Perales, J., Stephan, B., Brayne, C. (2013)3(6) e002710
Journal of Psychosomatic Research. Cosco, T.D., Doyle, F., Ward. M., McGee H. (2012)72: 180-184.
General Hospital Psychiatry. Cosco, T.D., Doyle, F., Watson, R., Ward. M., McGee H. (2012)34: 167-172.
WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation. Jackson, Y., Kelland, J., Cosco, T.D., McNeil, D.C., Reddon, J.R. (2009).33(4): 381-387
Online Journal of Nursing Informatics (OJNI)Cosco, T.D., Knopp, A., Milke, D.L. (2007)11, (3)